Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ghost saber in Red!

Okay so figured I should put up some screen shots of the ghost saber in all his transparency. I have taken him through an almost full run of SM and battle satyrs in Desolace and taken down 40 elites with him.
Here's the pic of him and I relaxing in Thunder Bluff.
And here's a pic of him in all his big red coolness.

It's hard to see in the pic I think, but even red he's opaque.


As you can see, he's been trained with growl and claw. In addition he has avoidance and cobra reflexes and Rank 2 of each of the resistances. I might change that later due to wanting him to have a bit more health. I plan on putting prowl and dash on him for those times when those will come in handy.

I have a few more quests to finish up in Desolace, then I am on to Swamp of Sorrows. I am looking forward to that run, since you have to run through Duskwood to get there, although I think I can do it and not get gang tackled by the guards as I did on my way to Redridge. Heh.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that the "red" appearance comes from the Beatial Wrath. Did your Ghost Saber learn this over time, or did have the ability when he spawned? I have a one and she doesn't have the ability.