Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Woot! Made 29

Okay so as you can see above, I made 29. Now it is time for me to wander back into the Battlegrounds and soak up some honor and marks.

I am currently raising up the Ravager, named Howdy. The white lion Echeyakee, whom I named Whitemane, and the boar formerly known as Bellygrub, whom I haven't named. Since Gore and Charge are about to enter the dead zone, I suspect I'll be dropping the boar and picking one back up when I get to 48. I doubt I'll do enough PvP to really need that charge immobilizing thing.

While I am not in the Battlegrounds playing on Halkale, perhaps I'll bring up Hawka some. Or, maybe I'll roll up another hordling..or go visit my dwarf hunter on the other server.