Saturday, March 29, 2008

Raid Night is awesome

So, tonight was raid night for Fire and Blood.

As you recall we downed Gruul's lair last time and moved into Maggy.

This time it was SSC. First we did the fishing pull for Lurker down below. Oh and BTW, got to 375 Fishing earlier in the day. We wipe a few times, I die on a spout that hits me while in the water, blah blah. But Lurker is down.

On to Hydross. Not a hard fight for me, but it is taking some work to get the timing, dps and such down. Omen being finicky doesn't help either. Overall, I am sure we'll take him down soon. Then probably we'll go after Void Reaver and friends. Kinda hoping they fix a few of the bugs first.