Thursday, April 3, 2008

Badges?? We don't need no stinkin' Badges...

Oh but yes we do.

Kara badge runs net us around 22 badges per week (depending on if we have someone who can summon the big ugly fire dragon who hates me or my pet...or both)

25 man raids now drop badges. 8 last night alone from the raid boss smack down. Do you smell what the hunter is cooking? /hunter's eyebrow

So I am looking over the 2.4 badge loots. Oh some very tasty stuff in there. If you aren't a hunter. If you are, you are probably drooling over the crossbow (linked below) or possibly some of the armor pieces.

So all you tons of hunters who read my blog, yeah that's it, what gear are you looking forward to picking up? Okay you other class folks have permission to add your comments too. ;)