Monday, April 14, 2008

5/6 SSC and 2 T5 for this here hunter

Okay so tonight we had another raid night. Leo two shotted. Fathom Lord downed (that pull sucks btw) and then on to Lady V. That fight is going to take some time as it's about timing etc. Leo gave up his T5 glove token. Woot for me!

Oh and look!

Yes, I caught Mr. Pinchy on Saturday. My first time was the weaksauce Furious Mr. Pinchy. Second time was the pet.


Green Armadillo said...

Glad the second time was the charm with Mr. Pinchy, I remember the joy turned to sorrow the first round. :)

In other news, I'm jumping on the WoW blog bandwagon. If you're curious, I'm at:

Carrie said...

OOH I want a Mr. Pinchy :(

What sort of fishing gear do you have? I'm afraid I don't have enough to get my skill high enough to catch one. Sigh.


p.s. Word Verification hates me.