Friday, September 21, 2007

Names for the Ghost Saber

Okay so I have narrowed my choices for names to two.

DieSpitze = German phrase die spitze meaning vanguard. I would pronouce the name Deh-spit-zy

Szablya = Hungarian word meaning to cut, possible origin for the word saber. I would pronouce the name Zaab-ya

What you think?


Dick said...

I like the second one cause once you learn to pronouce it, its easier and I like the meaning of it.

Ratshag said...

I think it's a good thing I ain't german nor hungarian. Need more vowels and less z's in me talking.

The first looks too much like "dies spitting" so I's glad ya went wit' da second one.

Anonymous said...

My Ghost saber is named Stinky, it's classy.