Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dude where's your kodo?

Okay so in the past I said I was going to work on getting to Exalted with Thunder Bluff before 40...well I failed. So, I am the proud owner of a Dire Wolf Mount.
One of my friends and I ran through SM last night so I could get all my quests in there done. I netted big cash! It's amazing what you can do when you have a 70 shaman running you through. My ghost saber gained 4 levels and is now closer to my level, might even help me level!


Dick said...

Where's your kodo, dude?

For the Pie said...

6815 of 21000 rep for Exalted for Thunder Bluff. Man I have tried every quest I can find to try to increase rep with them.

I am pretty much resigned that I'll have to wait until 60 and snag the black war kodo. I am very sad.