Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving to all...

For those away from their families during this time I hope you get a chance to speak with them on the phone. Just remember to tell them you love them every time, you never know when you won't get the chance again.

I am very thankful this year because I have a new job and I start December 3rd. Woot!

My main computer is down, it's the motherboard and I need to remove it and the CPU and memory and all the other stuff and get an RMA and send it back to the manufacturer. This sucks.

Got a new video card for my old computer but it still isn't as good as it needs to be to make WOW enjoyable.

I found out I could get a decent FPS by starting a new character. Apparently the lowbie zones don't have quite the FPS hit the outlands zones do. So, I started a Druid. He's now 22 level. I die a lot. A LOT!!!!

I plan on getting him to 29, getting economy twinked and getting some good amount of honor and marks from there.


Dick said...

PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come back, I need some Pie.

Guitgoin said...

I agree with dick, /miss FTP!!!